Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, California

Forest Fire in Deerlodge National Forest, Montana

Standing Rock, North Dakota

Owens Lake, dust mitigation project, Inyo County, California

Smog and Graffiti in Los Angeles, California

Forest Fire in Malibu, California
Former Mining Site, Butte, Montana

Beetle Kill in Deerlodge National Forest

Smelter and Slag Pile, Anaconda, Montana

Watford City Oil Fields, North Dakota

Motherhood Over the 101 Freeway, Los Angeles, California

Virgin Forest at Wolsfeld Woods, Minnesota
“Human Geography” is a series of body-painted portraits and a collaborative effort with painter, Radhika Hersey. Human geography, or anthropogeography, is a branch of geography that explores how humans have understood, used, and changed the surface of the earth. Working from that human-centric premise, my work takes this notion one step further: not only do human beings have a profound impact on the earth, but the earth also “reciprocates” by making its mark on us. By using the body as a canvas, imprinted upon by elements from the landscape, I examine this dynamic relationship.